Keep your favourite places nearby

Taking inspiration from photos of your favourite places, Nashy will work with you to add personal touches and create a truly unique, personal piece of art.

Case Studies

Hawaiian Cove

A young couple’s favourite swimming spot on a secluded Hawaiin beach, commissioned as a birthday gift for the husband’s office wall.

Mini Fuji

The beloved family car, transported by Nashy from Hong Kong to meet the iconic Mt. Fuji.

Nagi Aosumi様, 2021/12

“大好きな大好きなイラストレーターの さんに私の大好きな風景を描いていただきました👏🏻

想い出の写真 をお渡ししたら、こんなに素敵なNashyテイストの絵に仕上がりました!さすが!


Keith, Hong Kong, 2021/12

“We’ve recently commissioned a Japanese artist for an illustration, bringing together our little working buddy Mr. Brit and Mount Fuji in Japan.We’re always inspired by Japanese culture and wisdom, in which also become a great motivation for us to keep up our workmanship and craftsmanship. Despite the past bumpy years under COVID, our team continues to stay passionate and innovative, to co-create unique projects with our clients and partners. Like what you all are thinking - until one day we meet again in our long-lost Japan!”


Occasional musings on life in Niseko and Nashy updates.

Read the archive here.


Property Portraits


Commissioned Art